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     In Appendices 1-6 of Hold’em Poker Super Strategy, I explain how I created some of the strategies. I also go over what I believe are serious problems with Pio Solver, a program used by a number of professionals.  For example, in Appendix 6, I show the results I obtained when I asked Pio Solver to compute strategies for a situation where a player in middle position opens, and everyone folds except the big blind, who flat calls.  Pio Solver correctly suggests that the big blind should pretty much always check on the flop.  But then Pio Solver suggests that the opener bet 61.8% of the time, and in response to a ½ pot bet by the opener, that the big blind fold 51.8% of the time.  If the big blind folds that frequently, the opener will gain by betting ½ pot with the opener’s entire range, not with 61.8% of that range.  So the strategy recommended by Pio Solver is not optimal.

Problems with PIO solver

Correct opening and calling strategy.

Pio Solver’s replacement of better hands with weaker hands is often not optimal

More serious problems with PIO solver

Ranking Hold'em hands

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